CV: Curriculum Vitae from Carlos Serrano Cinca, professor in Accounting and Finance at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) |
Gutierrez, B; and Serrano Cinca, C. (2007): "Factors explaining the rating of Microfinance Institutions", Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Ed Elsevier, forwarded
Abstract The growing relevance of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) has provoked the development of specialized MFI rating agencies that perform global risk assessments. In this paper we have conjectured different hypotheses pertaining to the relationship between financial indicators and the rating assigned. The hypotheses have been empirically tested, using MFIs accounting information and ratings from a leading agency. As expected, the larger, the more profitable, the more productive, and the less risky, achieved the better rating. This proves the usefulness of MFIs ratings for providers of funds. There is no observed relationship between social performance and rating. Given the social aim of MFIs, it is necessary to encourage rating agencies to engage in the development of social ratings. These social ratings should complement financial ratings, giving information about the accomplishment degree of the MFI social goals. Keywords Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), Microcredit, Rating, Social Performance, Accounting Ratios Download Paper: ( Discussion paper ( |